Whisper-0 & Mini Whisper Nitrogen Generator


Whisper-0 & Mini Whisper Nitrogen Generator


The VICI DBS ® Whisper-0 nitrogen generator can produce up to 120 L/min of high purity LC-MS grade nitrogen at pressures up to 8 barg (116 psig). These generators are engineered to transform standard compressed air into a safe regulated nitrogen supply with minimal operator attention and maintenance. Nitrogen is produced by utilizing a combination of filtration and membrane separation technologies. A standard supply of compressed air is filtered by high efficiency coalescing filters to remove all contaminants down to 0.1 micron. A unique proprietary membrane then separates the air into a concentrated nitrogen stream.

Membrane technology offers many unique performance benefits for LC-MS users including phthalate free nitrogen, silent operation, no moving parts and no electrical requirements. The generators can be installed directly in the laboratory with the Whisper-0 mounting to the wall and the Whisper-0 Mini to the floor. Both require minimal operator attention or maintenance. The generators are designed to run continuously or on demand providing a clean, dry high purity nitrogen supply.

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