ROMIL Hi-Dry® KF Karl Fischer Reagents and Calibrants
pyridine-free reagents for water determination
Searching for Water has Become Easier
Karl Fischer reagents have been used for water determination in analytical laboratories for more than half a century. The original formulation, being based on pyridine became out of favour during the past 30 years due to the accompanying hazard and unpleasant odour. Pyridine-free reagents have therefore increased in popularity and now account for the majority of KF titrations.
ROMIL offer the benefits of modern pyridine-free reagents under the Hi‑Dry® KF brand.
It is common practice to calibrate volumetric KF reagents before use against a reference material containing a certified amount of water. Such materials are also available from ROMIL, manufactured from the corresponding Hi‑Dry® anhydrous solvent.