Column Packing

Column Packing

RIKI Global has extensive experience in column packing for preparation columns.

We have vast experience in packing all types of media and columns.

We offer in-house silica's.

Additionally, RIKI Global wide range of in-house silica's and bonding's to a very high standard to cater for any application. We can also produce custom silica's and bonding's for unique applications.

Consistency in performance.

Flexibility Sepragen can pack in several column formats with virtually any resin.
Chemical compatibility sepragen products are compatible with typical aqueous buffers.
We invite any inquiries for columns packed with any media on a large scale; we are experts in silica engineering.

Media’s Offerings

  • C18
  • C18-HL
  • C8
  • C4
  • CN
  • AQ
  • NH2
  • SUPER C18
  • C18-AR
  • C18-PFP
  • C18-AMIDE